Letter: The danger of name recognition

Published: 05-01-2024 3:42 PM

Recently, my town has been plastered with large “Chuck Morse for Governor” signs, making me wonder if large national super PACS are providing him with millions like they did during his failed Senate run. Studies show that pervasive signage greatly increases the chances of winning based on name recognition alone. My temptation is to add a caveat telling voters that he will expand the school voucher programs that undermine public schools financially.

Voters need to know exactly who is pushing this scheme, Jason Osborne, Drew Cline, and Frank Edelblut to name a few. If you are in favor of supporting strong public schools, please vote for Joyce Craig, and spread the word about candidates grifting taxpayers to pay private school tuition for families that never even gave public school a chance.

Susan Jenkins


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