Dems stay loyal to party despite NH ballot names

Madonna and Mark Ciocca, Penacook Democrats, never considered voting in the Republican primary. “We like to be honest,” Mark said. “We’re Democrats.”

Madonna and Mark Ciocca, Penacook Democrats, never considered voting in the Republican primary. “We like to be honest,” Mark said. “We’re Democrats.” ERIC RYNSTON-LOBEL / Monitor staff

Patricia Garrison, a Boscawen Democrat who wrote in Biden, expressed frustration at Biden not making any appearances in the state but lauded his legislation that capped insulin costs at $35 per month for seniors on Medicare.

Patricia Garrison, a Boscawen Democrat who wrote in Biden, expressed frustration at Biden not making any appearances in the state but lauded his legislation that capped insulin costs at $35 per month for seniors on Medicare. ERIC RYNSTON-LOBEL / Monitor staff


Monitor staff

Published: 01-23-2024 4:13 PM

Concord Ward 1 voters Madonna and Mark Ciocca never considered switching their party affiliation to vote in the Republican primary.

“We like to be honest,” Mark said outside Merrimack Valley High School where both wrote in President Joe Biden. “We’re Democrats.”

Madonna, a former college professor, applauded the student loan relief the Biden administration has provided. Mark argued that his presidency is being underappreciated and that it’s important for him to have a successful showing today even if he won’t win any delegates toward the Democratic Party’s nomination.

“I think he’s been underrated,” he said. “For instance, they keep saying he has ruined the economy, but the economy continues to improve under his presidency. The things that are challenging right now like the situation in the Middle East, that’s not his fault. He’s trying to deal with that as best he can. And then the other thing is, Congress stalemates all the time, so that limits what he’s able to do too. I don’t buy into a lot of the criticism of him.”

Patricia Garrison, a Boscawen Democrat, noted that she was disappointed in the president for not visiting New Hampshire but expressed appreciation for what he’s accomplished through his first three years in office.

“Like most Democrats who come into office after four or eight years of Republican leadership, it’s been a difficult haul for him,” she said. “But I believe that the creation of new jobs, getting some healthcare benefits such as capping insulin off at $35, he’s done a good job. … I know a lot of people don’t agree with that, but he took on a mess, and the problems that we have here in America are worldwide.”