Letter: Stop school voucher bills

Published: 01-23-2023 7:00 AM

The NH education “voucher program” makes my blood boil. Does it not occur to our state legislators that these education funds could be going to any type of religious institution? What if a family wants a voucher to have their child attend a school that embraces Satanic worship or Scientology? How about a voucher to attend a school run by the Unification Church?

What if a homeschooling parent believes that daughters don’t need to learn about math and science because their religion dictates that they are destined to stay home and have babies? Yes, these statements are all full of bias but my point is that I, as a NH taxpayer should not be forced to support any form of indoctrination, religious or otherwise. Not only should HB 464 and HB 367 fail but all previously adopted education voucher programs should be repealed immediately.

Marilyn Jonas



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