Letter: NH landfills are on life support

Published: 01-17-2025 10:16 AM

Having listened to the incoming governor (inauguration speech) for New Hampshire, Kelly Ayotte, there were truths mixed with the missing details relative to those truths. One subject is very real and is looming around the corner. It is great that Dalton will not be subjected to a proposed landfill. However, nothing was cited as to what the state intends on doing concerning the fact that 40 percent of waste going into New Hampshire landfills is from out of state.

Our current landfills are on life support and filling fast. Just to mention the Bethlehem landfill is set to close in less than five years (and this was after it received an extension). I heard no hard talk about telling other states to keep their junk where it belongs, in their own states. Without limiting waste from out of state, New Hampshire will certainly need to find new areas for landfills, but we could double the time by eliminating out of state waste. I hope to hear the governor’s plans for the future of New Hampshire landfills. Stop other states from bringing their solid waste to New Hampshire.

Paul R Pelchat


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