Letter: Gov. Ayotte’s bad math
Published: 01-17-2025 10:16 AM |
Gov. Kelly Ayotte has spoken about her pride in New Hampshire’s position within the top ten states for per-pupil educational spending. Assuming she has been paying attention, it boggles my mind that she would mention this just prior to assuming the responsibility of maintaining the integrity of our public school system. While she may be correct about the total average amount spent statewide, she distances herself from the fact that NH is dead last —50th— in terms of state aid to public education. The figure she is gloating over has been attained, year after year, on the backs and out of the pockets of local property owners, regardless of their ability to pay. This trend creates a serious disparity between property-rich and property-poor communities.
NH will be losing substantial COVID-related federal funding. The Interest and Dividends tax will be a thing of the past, and Gov. Ayotte admits that “business revenues are coming in lower than in the last several years.” Yet she promises to preserve programs for vulnerable populations, increase access to care for mental health and suicide prevention and expand payments to so-called “education freedom accounts.
Doing more with less? That is like saying five minus one equals six. If Gov. Ayotte is serious about even maintaining existing state services at current levels, never mind improving them or providing more money for our public schools, be ready for even higher local tax next time around.
Anthony McManus