Letter: Identity politics is destructive to our society

Published: 01-20-2023 7:00 AM

Several recent letters criticized Rep. Moffett’s My Turn (12/22/22) challenging the Democrats adoption of identity politics. These letters tried to justify identify politics, a political point of view that’s destructive and dividing our country. In his book The Madness of Crowds Douglas Murray points out the destructive nature of identity politics as an attempt to break down Western societies along the lines of sex, sexuality, and race. In his more recent book The War on the West, Murray points out that identity politics pressures “the West to be something else or lose all legitimacy.”

At the same time, Democrats are allowing Communist China to engage in slavery and discrimination of minority groups. I believe that America treats people of color better than any other country in the world because America took the advice of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in his speech “Where Do We Go from Here.” King said “judge people by the content of their character not the color of their skin.” Another concern in the letters is that America needs to do more to comply with the scientific concerns of climate change. In 2006 Al Gore reported that the American carbon footprint was 30% in 2005. Now in 2022 it’s 15%. America has the lowest carbon footprint of the two largest economies (China’s footprint is 28%). John Kerry speaking in half-truths, is on record saying, that if America took its carbon footprint to zero, it would not solve the climate problem.

Joe Mendola



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