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By Line search: By KELLY BURCH

For the first time, education commissioner speaks publicly about minimum standards revision, but he faces skepticism
05-15-2024 11:00 AM


After an hour-long public conversation with the commissioner of the N.H.  Department of Education, school board members in Manchester – the state’s largest school district –  remained frustrated by a lack of clear answers and unconvinced that proposed...

Displaying articles 1 to 10 out of 10 total.

N.H. schools go beyond academics in crafting a ‘portrait of a graduate’
06-03-2024 10:21 AM


Earlier this year at Franklin High School, a group of cheerleaders got together to present their physics project. But there was no PowerPoint or test papers. Instead, the girls used cheerleading and stunting to demonstrate principles of the...

N.H. legislators continue to ignore three-year-old school-funding recommendations
05-23-2024 11:00 AM


As decades of litigation centered on funding an adequate education for Granite State children linger on, New Hampshire lawmakers still have not addressed a potential solution outlined by a bipartisan commission they established over three years...

Legislature’s lawyers say revisions to minimum education standards could violate the N.H, Constitution
05-22-2024 11:24 AM


The N.H. Department of Education’s proposed revisions in New Hampshire’s minimum standards for public schools may violate the state constitution. That’s according to written feedback on the standards, known as the 306s, provided by the Office of...

Area nursing homes warn new federal staffing standards could reduce capacity
05-20-2024 10:00 AM


New staffing mandates from the federal government will likely reduce the number of nursing home beds available in the Monadnock Region, officials say, leaving people who need a higher level of care less able to access it.The new rules, which were...

Educators give low marks to rule changes
11-14-2023 6:17 PM


In the wake of a report highly critical of proposed statewide educational reforms in the works for two years, local educators sat down for the first time this week with members of the task force overseeing the revisions.When pressed for details on the...

Day 2: Unevenly applied, competency-based learning has achieved mixed results in NH
10-04-2023 5:53 PM


In the Epping school district, students learn with other children who are at the same learning level as them, even if those students are in another grade. A kindergartner who is an avid reader might go to a second-grade classroom for reading...

Part 1: New standards continue a decades-long push toward competency-based education in the Granite State
10-03-2023 6:14 PM


New Hampshire is nearing the end of a more than three-year effort to revamp the state’s core educational standards. When approved early next year, these new rules will steer the course of public education for at least the next decade. In this...

Policy changes and workforce development may help address substitute shortages
05-10-2023 6:01 PM


Around the country, schools are getting creative with solutions to address what educators call a chronic shortage of substitute teachers. In New Mexico, the Governor called members of the National Guard into classrooms in 2022. In Oklahoma and North...

Lack of Protections, Student Misbehavior Challenge Substitutes
05-08-2023 6:00 PM


When Megan Oxland was substitute teaching she felt unprotected and undervalued, she says. Oxland, a Sunapee resident, is a certified teacher who had worked full-time in a classroom in the past, but as a substitute she was paid the same as people with...

New initiative eases process for telling your pandemic story
03-18-2023 6:47 PM


Over the past two years, Sarah McPhee and Kirsten Durzy have heard scores of stories about Granite Stater’s lives during the pandemic. There was the new mom who delivered her child at the height of the pandemic; a woman diagnosed with breast cancer...

Displaying articles 1 to 10 out of 10 total.

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