Letter: Where are we on climate change?

Published: 06-08-2023 7:00 AM

First, let’s acknowledge that the well-documented deny, delay, and distract campaign by the fossil fuel industry (supported by related industries and the Republican Party) has been wildly successful. Americans have been convinced that lifestyle changes and significant sacrifices aren’t necessary, and the fossil fuel companies have recorded obscene profits. Sadly, this underscores one of the flaws of capitalism. Long before climate change became a public issue, the fossil fuel companies were told by their own scientists that global warming from the use of their products would be a threat. They could have gone public and led the transition to renewables; instead they followed the easier money and undermined climate science. Profits over people.

Meanwhile, the weather evidence continues to rapidly accumulate, confirming the predictions of climate scientists. We long ago blew past a safe level (350 ppm) of CO2 in the atmosphere (now 422) and will undoubtably pass the 1.5 degree C cap the world set (according to the Sustainability Project of UNH, NH already has). Because CO2 stays in the atmosphere for 100 years, the greenhouse effect will continue to raise the world’s temperature going forward – a runaway, brakeless train. Here’s my challenge to the skeptical and the willfully ignorant (root word: ignore): add “The Climate Book” (Greta Thunberg) to your summer reading list. It contains 90 short essays by world scientists and other experts, covering a wide range of climate topics. It’s a comprehensive resource. Yet-to-be-born children will thank you for being actively informed.

Allan MacDonald

New London


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