Letter: Fair play for sports
Published: 08-08-2024 4:03 PM |
Zib Corell states in her LTE that I missed something because I feel trans athletes should be in a different class than female athletes after witnessing repeated cases of young women being denied just recognition and numerous cases of physical injuries. Rest assured, I know much about not participating in sports like the other kids. Physical exercise and athletics are great for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Americans love sports. They also have a strong orientation to “Fair Play.”
Fair play requires that athletes are ranked by physical capabilities like size, strength, and weight. Men, with their XY chromosomes, statistically have more muscle and strength. I think trans people participating in sports, for all the same reasons everybody else does, is great. However, I think they should be ranked with others of similar/ same capabilities. That is not discrimination, it’s common sense.
Thom Bloomquist