Letter: Thank you, voters

Published: 10-11-2016 1:10 PM

Thank you, voters

The election did not turn out the way we had hoped, but I want to take this moment to thank you all for your support and encouragement over the course of the primary.

There are so many people to thank, I am afraid I will leave someone out, but here goes. To my co-chairs and all of you who were on my steering committee, those of you who helped me at the polls, let me put signs on your property, helped with the various events and especially those who worked so hard every day, you have my heartfelt thanks.

My message of small government and low spending that leads to low taxes, while not forgetting those most vulnerable in our society, was well-received in many places. I feel confident the majority of voters agree with the fact that government cannot grow faster than the people’s ability to pay for it.

Once again, thank you all and remember the candidates most likely to keep spending in check and government small, while supporting our Constitution and reducing taxes, are the folks under the Republican banner on the November ballot.


