The Friends of the Audi hold annual ‘Pitch In Days’

Stuart Russell, of Concord, works on replacing several seat backings during the 23rd Annual Pitch-in at the Concord City Auditorium on August 21, 2013.

Stuart Russell, of Concord, works on replacing several seat backings during the 23rd Annual Pitch-in at the Concord City Auditorium on August 21, 2013. Monitor file

Published: 08-14-2024 6:00 AM

The Friends of the Concord City Auditorium will host the 34th annual “Pitch In” on Aug. 19, 20 and 21 at Concord City Auditorium from 9 a.m. to noon and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

This is a barn-raising, community-building way to get the Audi shining for the 2024-2025 season.

Join us for one hour, one shift or as long as you can to help spruce up the Concord City Auditorium. Monday morning we’ll prepare the bulk mailing of the Audi calender to be mailed out to over 5,000 families. Many tasks include cleaning windows, polishing brass, sewing curtains and much more. Many hands make the work a bit lighter

The morning sessions will begin with coffee and pastries and the evening sessions will begin with a light supper. Visit for info.

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