Letter: Current Use article lacked facts

Published: 07-13-2024 7:00 AM

Michaela Towfighi’s article headlined “Land conservation becomes unfunded mandate,” (Monitor, 6/29) was not up to her excellent standard of factual, multi-sourced work. The Monitor’s editors should have spiked this story. One, experts from the Current Use Board at the NH Department of Revenue Administration or Statewide Program of Action to Conserve our Environment (SPACE) could have provided information documenting the value of Current Use to towns and to New Hampshire. Two, labeling Current Use as an “unfunded mandate” is incorrect. It is one source’s opinion, uncorroborated by fact. Three, many Current Use landowners own timberland, including me. When we cut timber, the state assesses 10 percent of the timber’s value as a “yield tax.” We pay this tax to the town where the timber was harvested.

Four, when landowners withdraw property from Current Use they must pay a penalty - 10 percent of the assessed value of the portion of the land taken out of Current Use. Five, cost of services - fire, police, education - are virtually nil for undeveloped land in Current Use. My husband and I were the 2022 NH Tree Farmers of the Year. This honor recognizes our work to provide recreational opportunities for the public, diversify wildlife habitat and protect water resources. It’s insulting to be labeled as “any joker.” I savor reading the Concord Monitor, including Michaela Towfighi’s stories. Next time, I hope she and her editors will more carefully vet information supplied by biased sources.

Ann Davis


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