Letter: Evolution is a theory

Published: 02-05-2020 12:20 AM

In a Jan. 29 letter there was a claim made that Darwin’s theory is fact. Not only is it a theory, it is a theory debunked by science. In the book Darwin’s Black Box, Dr. Michael Behe, professor of biochemistry at Leigh University, explains in the book that science has proven that there is an “intelligent designer” who created man.

Behe writes about the discovery of the structure of the human cell. Science has proven that the cell is a complex irreducible system that cannot have evolved. Darwin himself, in his On the Origin of Species, said, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” The discovery of the structure of the cell happened many years after the death of Darwin. The cell operates like a computer with a hard drive and files called proteins. The tragedy is that the public school system does not teach the intelligent designer theory alongside of evolution.

With this scientific knowledge, students can decide whether they evolved from an ape or they were created by an intelligent designer with dignity and value.




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