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Keyword search: End Of Life Options

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

New Hampshire lawmakers to revisit medically assisted death in next legislative session
11-25-2024 4:55 PM


Legislation allowing terminally ill individuals to legally end their lives through medication is back on the table for next year’s legislative session but with one change – patients would be prohibited from taking the prescribed medication in public...

Senate kills bill allowing medical aid in dying
05-16-2024 11:33 AM


After months of intense public debate, with Granite Staters on both sides of the legislation that would allow medical aid in dying, packing the room at every public hearing, the Senate voted on Thursday to kill the bill.“I think that the tragedy is...

Youth rally against New Hampshire’s bill allowing medical aid in dying
05-15-2024 9:53 AM


With a brother who has Down syndrome and autism and an uncle battling terminal cancer, Charlie Taylor, a senior at Concord Christian Academy, knows all too well the toll illnesses can take on both the body and loved ones. Yet, he strongly believes...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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