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Keyword search: Environment Reporting Lab

New Hampshire takes a closer look at what is being thrown away
08-25-2024 12:00 PM


Over the past few weeks, waste disposal sites across the state have become the scene of a meticulous investigation. Trash bags are being torn open, their contents spread out on tables and examined with a fine-tooth comb.This scrutiny is part of the...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

State to study waste dumped in landfills and incinerators
02-12-2024 5:38 PM


The public might get a better understanding of what exactly is getting dumped in the state’s landfills and where it’s coming from, now that the Department of Environmental Services has initiated the first comprehensive study of the waste stream.Set to...

Landfill Landscape: How lobbying influences New Hampshire’s solid waste management
05-20-2023 12:03 PM


As New Hampshire grapples with the mounting challenge of solid waste management and disposal, private waste management companies have stepped up their lobbying efforts.With a slew of bills introduced in this year’s legislative session aimed at...

Landfill landscape: New Hampshire is an importer of solid waste from other states  
01-11-2023 12:24 PM


The blue truck backed up to the trash heap and unceremoniously belched out its contents.Next to its rear tires at the Nashua landfill was a pile of mattresses deposited before this truck arrived. Mattresses are illegal to throw out in Massachusetts,...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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