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Keyword search: HB1283

Displaying articles 1 to 8 out of 8 total.

Planning the end: Remembering Barbara Filion's joy in life's simple pleasures
06-14-2024 2:24 PM


Barbara Filion’s celebration of life unfolded just as she would have wished.The grass remained damp from the earlier downpour but the sun’s rays filtered through the canopy of trees, casting golden hues upon the ground at Newcastle Commons,...

Senate kills bill allowing medical aid in dying
05-16-2024 11:33 AM


After months of intense public debate, with Granite Staters on both sides of the legislation that would allow medical aid in dying, packing the room at every public hearing, the Senate voted on Thursday to kill the bill.“I think that the tragedy is...

Youth rally against New Hampshire’s bill allowing medical aid in dying
05-15-2024 9:53 AM


With a brother who has Down syndrome and autism and an uncle battling terminal cancer, Charlie Taylor, a senior at Concord Christian Academy, knows all too well the toll illnesses can take on both the body and loved ones. Yet, he strongly believes...

New Hampshire residents weigh compassion and caution in medical aid in dying bill
04-24-2024 3:56 PM


Phillip Kaneb, sporting a vibrant blue shirt with a sticker boldly stating “no suicide,” strolled around the State House’s hallways on Wednesday, pausing intermittently to admire the paintings hanging on the walls, his infectious smile bringing joy to...

Planning the end: Barbara Filion ends terminal cancer battle in Vermont
04-05-2024 5:20 PM


The air whispered with a crisp chill, while the skies donned a cloak of somber gray, painting a typical Vermont scene caught in the days between the fading grasp of winter and spring’s hesitant arrival.For Barbara Filion, this was the day she had...

Planning the end: ‘It’s hard, but it’s beautiful’
03-22-2024 3:11 PM


Stencils of hummingbirds rest on a bench in the quiet corner of the living room, their outlines traced onto paper. Beneath them, small canvases painted in a riot of colors held a message that read: “Keep a green tree in your heart and maybe a singing...

Committee recommends passage of end-of-life options bill
03-06-2024 5:54 PM


Dubbed by some as state-sanctioned suicide and by others as a means to alleviate the suffering of those with terminal illnesses, a bill providing end-of-life options heads to the full House of Representatives with a favorable recommendation.After...

Medical assistance in dying bill draws large turnout
02-07-2024 5:09 PM


People in wheelchairs, others relying on crutches, some facing terminal illness and some caregivers packed a hearing Wednesday for a bill that would allow medically assisted dying in New Hampshire.While most of the attendees expressed support for...

Displaying articles 1 to 8 out of 8 total.

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