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Keyword search: Henniker NH

Art of Azalea Park: Henniker students draw inspiration from nature in exhibit at Tucker Free Library
02-11-2025 11:00 AM

Last fall, fifth and sixth grade students at the Henniker Community School studied the art of illustration. They learned about the works of Helen Oxenbury, Dr. Seuss, and Shel Silverstein to gather knowledge about ink style, use of color, and background. At the beginning of the project, the students took a walking field trip down through Azalea Park to gather inspiration for their next art project.

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 83 total.

Special ed costs raise John Stark budget despite drop in salaries, benefits
02-08-2025 7:09 AM


In what might be the region’s only case of its kind during this season of school budget presentations, the John Stark School District budget says it is facing a large decrease in the two items that usually drive cost increases: salaries and benefits.

Henniker school deliberative session is fast but not furious
02-04-2025 11:22 AM


These might be tumultuous political times but you wouldn’t know it from the Henniker School District’s annual deliberative session.

Town Meeting 2025: Less state aid, higher costs in Weare, Henniker schools
01-26-2025 11:43 AM


Voters in Weare and Henniker will have a chance to attend three school district deliberative sessions this week but no matter which they go to, they’ll hear one message: Cuts in state aid are raising local property taxes.

Police seek information on suspect in Henniker road rage incident
10-30-2024 11:42 AM


A road rage incident involving gunfire on Tuesday night has left the Henniker Police Department calling for the public’s help in identifying the suspect involved.Around 7 p.m., a driver traveling on Route 202/9 reported being fired upon by a smaller...

Opinion: Way past the swimming season
10-19-2024 8:00 AM


David Woolpert lives in Henniker. Over a century ago, a large dam was built on the Contoocook River to power a textile mill just east of the Hillsboro / Henniker town line. Like many of the other old mills in the area, it was shut down before any...

Like a barn-raising, but for windows: Volunteer WindowDressers comes to Canterbury
10-17-2024 11:36 AM


A hands-on program to help people reduce window drafts by building them insulated inserts is coming to Canterbury Town Hall – which is, it turns out, a most appropriate location.“We convinced the town that our 200-year-old Town Hall could use it,”...

New England College gets $10 million gift, its biggest ever
09-27-2024 5:22 PM


New England College has received a $10 million gift, the largest in its 80-year history, to boost science, technology, and mathematics programs.The gift comes from Austin Kovacs, class of 1960, and his wife, Betty Ann. In 2022, the Kovacs’ gifted $1...

Hopkinton family donates 455 acres for land conservation
07-23-2024 4:49 PM


Hopkinton residents Bob and Binney Wells are continuing their longstanding tradition of land conservation, this time with a donation of 455 acres. The 455 acres in Hopkinton and Henniker donated to the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire...

NEC football turns to local players, seasoned coach for debut season
07-05-2024 8:55 AM


In the summer, the grass on the practice field at John Stark Regional High School grows long, but Donnie White can still point out the roughest patches of gravel. He pokes one, hard, with his sneaker. This, he says, is a terrible spot to be...

Opinion: No double standard
06-17-2024 6:00 AM


Charles Huckelbury lives in Henniker. It took the jury only three hours to convict Hunter Biden, compared to nineteen hours of deliberation for Donald Trump’s jury. Biden was convicted of three felonies, in contrast to the thirty-four crimes...

Opinion: New Hampshire picking the wrong side in battle for climate accountability
06-14-2024 6:00 AM


Tony Caplan lives in Henniker and represents Merrimack District 8 in the NH House. He is on the Science, Technology, and Energy Committee. After New Hampshire’s warmest winter on record, some of the most catastrophic floods to hit the North Country...

Grant wants to make it easier for schools, businesses to do research
05-28-2024 3:49 PM


Government grants are the life’s blood of modern science, providing money to help specific questions get answered and specific problems tackled. But a new federal grant has a different goal for the state’s 17 colleges and universities: Making it...

Opinion: Trump’s excuses for not testifying
05-28-2024 3:24 PM


Charles Huckelbury lives in Henniker Any first-year law student knows that putting a criminal defendant on the witness stand is usually a losing strategy. No matter how well coached that defendant might be, they will still be at the mercy of...

Memorial Day 2024 parades and events in Concord and surrounding towns
05-23-2024 1:30 PM

The following list was created from entries from community members who submit content for our weekly Talk of the Towns. Please check your town website for updated information, or if your town is not listed.Allenstown; May 27; Memorial Day Mass; St....

Electric school buses are about to hit the road in Henniker and Weare
04-28-2024 11:08 AM


The era of electric school buses has finally arrived in New Hampshire bringing less pollution, less road noise and maybe even students who are less rambunctious.“Anecdotally it brings the noise of the students down on the bus, because they’re not...

Henniker forum to focus on Main Street crosswalks
04-21-2024 11:48 AM


The owner of Superscoops on Henniker’s Main Street says she’s ready to make the ultimate business sacrifice to help the people who flock to her walk-up window in nice weather.“I’m willing to give up two parking spots in front of my store so there’s a...

Gallery: Forty-mile gravel bicycle race draws racers from all over the region
04-19-2024 9:43 AM

Monitor staff

On April 6, the Pavement Ends Gravel Race — the only gravel bicycle race in New Hampshire — began at Pats Peak in Henniker and took riders through Weare and Deering over a 40-mile course. Riders took between two-and-a-half and five hours to complete...

How do you build a college football program from scratch? Kevin Kelly’s working on finding the answer
04-14-2024 12:01 PM


Of all the places Kevin Kelly’s coached football throughout his career, from high schools in the Northeast to the NCAA Division I level at Georgetown to the New York Guardians of the XFL, New England College in Henniker might be his greatest...

Opinion: Preserve the history of NH Savings Bank
04-12-2024 6:00 AM


David Woolpert lives in Henniker. The former bank building currently being torn down for a legislators’ parking garage was primarily used by NH Savings Bank, not Mechanics Bank as stated in a recent Monitor article. Before 1980, commercial banks and...

Heat pump gives Concord Quaker meetinghouse many benefits, including a bunch of pre-schoolers
04-04-2024 11:47 AM


When leaders of the Concord Quaker meetinghouse replaced their old boiler with a geothermal heat pump, they were excited about operational benefits and with helping out the climate. But the best part, it turns out, is all the little kids.“This is...

Displaying articles 1 to 20 out of 83 total.

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