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Keyword search: Letter to the Editors

Displaying articles 1341 to 1360 out of 1502 total.

Letter: FSP 2023
03-09-2023 7:00 AM

Jason Sorens, founder of the Free State Project, whose mission is to “[take] over state government” and “slash state and local budgets,” is running for Amherst Planning Board. In a recent interview with InDepthNH, he complained of being misunderstood....

Letter: Moderation at MV
03-09-2023 7:00 AM

As Merrimack Valley School District voters head to the polls Friday to select school board members for three year terms, I hope they choose moderate candidates over extremists. As far as the pendulum swings, the MVSD school board is relatively steady,...

Letter: There should be no laws regarding abortion
03-09-2023 7:00 AM

Since the evangelicals invaded the Republican Party, decades ago, they have been working hard to make abortion illegal. Governor Sununu and the Republicans are the evangelical’s handmaidens.There should be absolutely no law regarding abortion....

Letter: Reject waiting period mandates for abortion
03-08-2023 7:00 AM

I’m urging the NH Legislature to reject HB 562, which requires a mandatory 24-hour waiting period for all people seeking abortion care. This bill’s only intention is to create unnecessary obstacles to reproductive health care. As a Granite State...

Letter: Finding a home for artwork
03-08-2023 7:00 AM

I had to chuckle when I read Parker Potter’s My Turn (Monitor, 3/4) the other day. Imagine being a prolific artist for 45 years who has traded work with over 30 other artists in that timespan. You can readily see the problem. Knowing that my children...

Letter: Celebrating International Women’s Day
03-08-2023 7:00 AM

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated annually on March 8th to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and to advocate for gender equality. The first International Women’s Day was celebrated in 1911. More...

Letter: New London town meeting
03-07-2023 7:00 AM

New London voters are being asked to vote on a privately petitioned Article on March 15. It asks voters to spend $375,000 for land appraised for $150,000. For the purchase of a 7-acre parcel of wet land with only 2 acres of usable area. For a new...

Letter: Stand up against anti-trans legislation
03-07-2023 7:00 AM

On March 7, the NH State House is slated to hold hearings on three separate bills targeting the transgender community, along with one bill being heard in the State Senate. HB 619 would prohibit gender-affirming care for minors; apply a slew of...

Letter: Pop quiz on HB 533
03-07-2023 7:00 AM

What do Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, and Frank Edelblut all have in common? Answer: Criminalizing educators to stifle the free exchange of ideas and advance their political agendas. This is an open book quiz so you may want to refer to your history books to...

Letter: Monitor comic strips
03-07-2023 7:00 AM

When will the Monitor pull Beetle Bailey for its portrayal of women in America? Herbert Carpenter Concord

Letter: Overdose prevention van
03-06-2023 7:00 AM

Narcan (naloxone) works only on opiate overdose. It does not work on the combinations we are seeing these days like methamphetamine and xylazine (tranq) mixed with fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, ketamine and others. People may not even know they’re taking...

Letter: State reps shield Israel
03-06-2023 7:00 AM

About a year ago, two NH House leaders jointly proclaimed that “any form of bigotry - antisemitism, racism, bigotry - has no place in our society.” I wholeheartedly agree. But, I’m confused. Four NH representatives recently introduced a bill to...

Letter: Student perspective on legislation
03-06-2023 7:00 AM

Watched the news recently? Read the paper? All across the country, bills are being passed left and right about LQBTQIA+ people’s liberties. Tennessee, Texas, Alabama, and so on, are threatening their youth population by saying “yes” to deadly bills...

Letter: Abortion access is crucial to our freedom
03-05-2023 7:01 AM

An overwhelming majority of Americans, including most Granite Staters, support access to safe, legal abortion. Although abortion is currently permitted until 24 weeks in New Hampshire, HB 591 threatens nearly all access to abortion. This legislation,...

Letter: Tewksbury for Hopkinton
03-05-2023 7:01 AM

I submit this Letter to the Editor to offer my platform as a candidate for Hopkinton Select Board. I am very excited at the prospect of being able to represent all residents of the town of Hopkinton. I have worked in a medium size town in New...

Letter: Sabrina Dunlap for select board
03-05-2023 7:01 AM

I have lived in Hopkinton for the past 24 years, and I couldn’t be happier to call this place home. Our town is extraordinarily well run, thanks in large part to the hard work and dedication of our select board. I was recently reminded of this when I...

Letter: Response to ‘new literacy campaign’
03-05-2023 7:00 AM

As a former 4th/5th grade teacher for 20+ years and later as a reading specialist, working with primary students, their parents and teachers, I enjoy hearing about strategies to bolster the love of words and reading success. However, when Kathleen...

Letter: Response to ‘obscene materials’
03-04-2023 7:01 AM

In reference to Susan Beers letter to the editor (Monitor, 3/1), I totally agree with her remarks. As one of over 74 million Americans who supported our previous president’s policies, I saw many flags and banners saying ‘F*** Trump.’ Not being the shy...

Letter: Governor DeMortis
03-04-2023 7:01 AM

The most important thing for a governor or president to do is protect their people in a disaster, like our COVID pandemic. Now, hoping that most of the deaths are behind us, let’s compare our governor with Florida’s in regard to the actual death rates...

Letter: Who are we punishing?
03-04-2023 7:00 AM

Maybe I’m missing something here, but it seems to me that pulling Dilbert from the comics is really not addressing the issue of Scott Adams’ comments, which some consider to be racist. His comic strip is the only one I read and look forward to each...

Displaying articles 1341 to 1360 out of 1502 total.

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