Weare School District budget hearing to be held Wednesday


Monitor staff

Published: 01-09-2023 4:46 PM

The Weare School District will hold a public hearing Wednesday on the proposed school budget for the 2023-2024 school year. The hearing is an opportunity for members of the public to weigh in on the proposed school budget before the deliberative session and ballot vote in the coming months.

Weare, an SB2 town, has a three-step process for their annual school district meeting. The first is Wednesday’s school budget hearing, the second is a deliberative session Feb. 8 when voters can debate and modify the budget and warrant articles. Finally, residents will vote by ballot on the school budget, elected officials and warrant articles on New Hampshire’s town Election Day, March 14.

For those looking to attend in person or participate, the budget hearing will be held in the Weare Middle School cafeteria, 16 East Rd, at 7 p.m. The regular school board meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. and then recess for the budget public hearing.

Members of the public will also be able to view a livestream of the meeting online on the SAU24 Schools YouTube channel.

Warrant articles and public office

People have until 5 p.m. Tuesday to submit warrant articles for inclusion in the 2023 Weare School District Warrant. Articles can be submitted to the Weare School Board via the superintendent’s office.

The filing period to run for Weare School Board, school district clerk or treasurer begins Jan. 25 and runs until Feb. 3. This year there are two seats up for re-election on the school board, along with one treasurer position and one clerk position. All seats are for three-year terms. Persons wishing to file should contact the superintendent’s office.
