Letter: Support NH secession

Published: 11-06-2023 6:00 AM

New Hampshire representatives have proposed a few bills for this session that relate to independence. I believe that one would create a study committee to analyze the challenges and solutions to New Hampshire becoming a self-governing state. Another bill would place a question on the ballot that would cause New Hampshire to secede once the D.C. politicians’ debt hits $40 trillion. That ballot question would need two thirds of the voters in order to pass. There are many powerful reasons why so many Granite Staters already support secession. Many don’t want their taxes to fund wars all over the world, from Gaza/Israel to Russia/Ukraine, and elsewhere.

Some don’t want to fund corporate or individual welfare. Many don’t want to fund the drug war (DEA) or the medical-pharma-industrial complex (FDA/NIH). We have tried every day for 250 years to fix D.C., and it has only gotten worse. There is no hope for saving the massive federal empire. We must all admit that it cannot be saved by Biden, Trump, RFK, DeSantis, Obama, Phillips, or anyone else. It is time to cut our losses, move on, and focus on our own neighbors. Please tell your legislators to support the bills that would help New Hampshire leave from under the brutal control of the tyrants in D.C. At the very least, the people of New Hampshire deserve a chance to vote on their relationship to D.C. politicians.

Elliot Axelman


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