Suncook Valley town crier for the week of March 26, 2023

Published: 03-28-2023 8:58 AM

ALLENSTOWNElderly database

■Just In Case Program - Safety Net for Elderly and Vulnerable Community Members. The Just In Case Program is a comprehensive town-wide registry of elderly vulnerable community members of dementia, autism, and more. The Program functions as an emergency tool in the event that an individual wanders and becomes lost or disoriented. Allenstown and Pembroke Police officials may then refer to the Just In Case database for easy identification in order to provide a quick and safe return of that individual. This information will be kept in both the Allenstown and Pembroke Police database and remain confidential. Family, friends, and caregivers interested in registering someone in the Just in Case database may do so by contacting: Allenstown Officer Hannah Higgins at or 603 485-9500; or Pembroke Lieutenant Dawn Shea at or 603 485-9173 x2205.

■Arts and Crafts held on Wednesday at 10 a.m. will be making a Surprise Easter Craft at the Suncook Senior Center, 8 Whitten St.

■Monthly Market will be held on April 1 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. and on April 2 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at St. John the Baptist Parish Hall.




■The granite wall around the police, fire and rescue sign is completed. Thanks goes to Dan the Stone Man.

■The 8th-grade environmental camp is approaching. Parents will meet on April 6 at 6 p.m. at the school for last-minute instructions and updates.

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■BCEP will be holding its monthly meeting on March 30 at 6 p.m. at the recycling facility. Chichester is looking for residents to come upon the board. Contact town hall for information.

■The second annual Easter Egg Drop is on April 1 at Carpenter Park. The helicopter will be dropping the eggs at 10 a.m. promptly. Please arrive early and visit The Snack Shack which will open at 9 a.m. for breakfast. This is a PTO-sponsored event for Chichester residents only.

■The gate at the Leavitt Cemetery is closed until road conditions are met to reopen.

■The Chichester Youth Association is having preseason training for all who registered for tball, baseball and softball at the Elite Sport Complex in Epsom on April 1 from noon to 2 p.m. CYA is having a field cleanup day at Carpenter Park on April 2 at 10 a.m. to prepare the fields for the season. April 2 is the monthly meeting of CYA will start at 4:30 p.m. with AED and hands-only CPR on review class at the fire station with Heather Talubua hosting the review with a meeting to follow with updates of the season. All residents are welcome.

■The Chichester Library is taking donations for the Concord Cat Man that was recently showcased on NH Chronicle WMUR TV.

■On April 1 from 9 to noon an Easter Card Stitching class, with all materials provided, will be taught at the library. Come and learn the art of hand-stitching greeting cards.

■An ambulance was added to the fleet for the Fire Rescue Department at the town meeting. It will take two years before the ambulance will be received from the manufacturer and put into service. An outfitted forestry vehicle will be purchased by the vote of the town. The highway dept will be ordering a 2023 loader with various equipment for town road updates.

■The Town Clerks Office is ready to renew your dog licenses for 2023 with tags available. Licenses are due by April 30. Make sure your dog is up to date with vaccinations. Please call the clerk if you no longer have your dog.

■Volunteers keep our town running. Call town hall and see what committees have openings.


EPSOM4H Club plant sale

■ECS School Board meeting at 6 p.m. in the ECS Library on Tuesday.

■The Victory Workers 4H Club is selling hanging plants and flower boxes through April 15. Contact Terry Riel at 603-848-7371 so she can get you the six types of hanging/boxes we have. They are locally grown from Pleasant View and proceeds all benefit the kids in the club!

■The Epsom Community Garden has spring garden plots are available on Goboro Road.,$20 per plot (partial scholarships available), 15’x20’ each with on-site water. We’re also seeking garden volunteers, monetary donations for compost and used garden tools! For more information, please contact Kim at

■Movie Matinee: Wednesday at 1:30 p.m., “A Man Called Otto.”

■On March 30 there will be no Thinker Thursday.

■Teen Monday Makers at 3:30 p.m., join us in the Teen Room to get crafting! This is a drop-in event and later arrivals are always welcome!

■Morning Story Times are Monday and Wednesday at 10 a.m. and feature books, movement, snacks and crafts!

■The Knitters Group will continue to meet on Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m.


PembrokeSummer Camp

■Pembroke Summer Camp sponsored by Pembroke Recreation Department will be held from June 26 to Aug. 18, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for $110 per child/per week. Early drop off is available at $15 per child/per week and late pickup is available at $15 per child/per week. For more information or to register, visit or email Questions can also be directed to Town Hall (603-485-4747).



PITTSFIELDPlay auditions

■The First Congregational Church will have Soup Night on March 27. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

■The Pittsfield Players are holding auditions for “Jack Of Diamonds” on March 26 and 28 at 7 p.m. at the Scenic Theater, 6 Depot St.

■The Pittsfield Players present the final showing of “The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Night Time” at the Scenic Theatre on March 26 at 2 p.m. Tickets on sale now! Visit or call (603) 435-8852.

■The Suncook Valley Area Lions Club will meet on March 28 at 6 p.m. at the First Congregational Church.

■The Pittsfield Parks and Recreation Commission will be holding its Annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 1 at Dustin Park (meet by the bandstand). The festivities will start at 11 a.m. Rain date is on April 8.

■The Pittsfield Elementary School PTO is hosting its first “Breakfast with the Easter Bunny” and Spring Fair on April 1 at PES, from 8 to 9:30 a.m. The Vendor Fair will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact for more information.

■On April 2, at 6 p.m., the First Congregational Church of Pittsfield, 24 Main St., will host “Christ in the Passover: An Interactive Experience.”

This powerful, interactive experience, led by Tamir Kugman of Jews for Jesus, will illustrate the link between the Jewish feast of Passover and the last supper Jesus shared with His disciples. Have questions? Call First Congregational Church at 603-435-7471, or email at

■The First Congregational Church, 24 Main St., will hold its Palm Sunday Service on April 2, at 10 a.m. On Easter Sunday, April 9, at 10 a.m. there will be the traditional Easter worship service with special music by the Chancel Choir and the JuBellation Handbell Choir. There will not be a sunrise service or breakfast this year. For more information about these services, call the church office at 603 435-7471 and speak with Rev. David Stasiak.

■At the Senior Center on April 6 at 11:30 a.m: Easter Celebration - come in play some bingo, enjoy some sweet Easter snacks, and stay for the Easter meal. The meal is baked ham, sweet potatoes, and all the other fixings. Please sign up by March 28.

■We are excited to start welcoming next year’s Kindergarteners to PES. If your child will be five years old by Sept. 30 and you are a resident of Pittsfield, please contact PES to sign up for a 15-minute appointment for you and your child to visit. Please call Pam Miller at 435-8432 or email at to schedule an appointment on April 5 from 2 to 6 p.m.

■Easter Pie Sale sponsored by the Dorcas Guild at the First Congregational Church, 24 Main Street will be held on April 8 from 9 a.m. to noon. Pies are $10 each. Please use the Chestnut Street parking lot and entrance.

■Joy Church, 55 Barnstead Rd., will hold Good Friday services on April 7 at 6:30 p.m. and Easter service will be on April 9 at 9:30 a.m. with an Easter egg hunt for the children.

■The Victory Workers 4-H Club’s Spring Flower fundraiser has begun. Beautiful 10-inch hanging baskets ($35) or 24-inch window boxes ($40) are available to order in six different varieties. Please contact Mark Riel at 603-491-2524 or email to place an order.

■The Town of Pittsfield is accepting applications for a minute taker who will transcribe the minutes of various board meetings. Please submit a Town of Pittsfield employment application, which can be downloaded from our website at, together with a resume to or by mail to: Town of Pittsfield, Attn: Town Administrator, 85 Main Street, Pittsfield, NH 03263.

■The American Legion Pittsfield NH local Chapter 75 is looking for new members. If you have served at least one day of active military duty since Dec. 7, 1941, and were honorably discharged or you are still serving active military duty honorably, you are eligible for membership with The American Legion. If you are interested in joining, please contact John Christakos at for more information.

■The Pittsfield Parks & Recreation Commission is now accepting applications for lifeguards, beach attendants, and gate keepers for the 2023 summer season at the Forrest B. Argue Recreational Area. Reimbursements for certifications may be considered. Applications are available on the town website,, or can be picked up at the Town Hall at 85 Main St., the deadline is on April 27.


