Organizing for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer fundraiser in October already in full swing
Published: 08-24-2023 12:14 PM |
Tina Smith, the volunteer director of teams for 2023 with Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of NH, wearing a pink dress was filled with enthusiasm for the upcoming fundraiser on October 15.
Preparation for the event, less than two months away, is in full swing as teams of volunteers held a kickoff event at Red River Theaters in Concord Thursday morning.
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, a non-competitive walk in support of breast cancer survivors, caregivers, families, and all those touched by breast cancer unites communities while raising funds to help in the fight against breast cancer.
Smith is thankful for the teams signing up from across the state but recognizes more work needs to be done as the number of walkers and teams expands.
“It’s exciting to know that this can continue to grow,” she said
The walk, once held by communities across the state, has been consolidated, meaning all 10 counties now gather annually at Memorial Field in Concord for the massive fundraiser. It attracts thousands of walkers and typically raises about $500,000 for the American Cancer Society.
Events take place nationwide, and Smith is working to ensure smooth sailing leading up to and on the pink-splashed day at Memorial Field this fall.
Participants in the walk can lead a team, join an existing team, or walk solo. For more information, to make a donation or sign up, go to the Making Strides event page at the American Cancer Society website.