Contoocook river region town crier for the week of Jan. 22, 2023
Published: 01-24-2023 1:55 PM |
■Bow Young at Heart on Jan. 25 at 12:30 pm, Old Town Hall, 91 Bow Center Rd., will feature Bruce Treat with a presentation on Maple Sugaring. Bow Young at Heart is a social club open to all residents 55 years of age and older in Bow and the surrounding communities. We begin our meetings with a social hour from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., bring your own lunch and beverage, dessert is provided by the club. The public is invited.
■A $1,000 Bow Garden Club (BGC) Scholarship is available for a graduating Bow High School (BHS) senior who is pursuing an education in any of the plant science. An application may be acquired through the BHS counseling office or by contacting BGC Scholarship Chairman Debra Wayne at or (603) 715-1466.
■Maker’s Mornings will resume monthly at the Dunbarton Congregational Church Vestry building. The focus will be collage. Drop in from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on Jan. 24 and on Feb. 7, March 7 and April 4. The community is welcome.
■The Supervisors of the Checklist will hold a session for corrections and additions to the Checklist on Jan. 24 from 7 to 7:30 p.m. at the Town Office.
■Virtual – “Hawks and Hawk Watching” will be Jan. 25 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Presented by Steve Hale. Call the library for the link. Read to a Dog is back at the library. Mr. T has returned! Children in Kindergarten to Grade 4 who register will have a 20-minute session, from 2:45 to 4 p.m. The next dates are on Feb. 2 and 16. Please call the library to register!
■The DCC Book Club has a new name, Beyond the Book. This month the club is reading No Time Like the Future by Michael J. Fox. The discussion will be held on the first Thursday of February in the Vestry or on Zoom. For more information or the Zoom link, call Barb at 496-3253.
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Yesterday's Most Read Articles

■The Weare Planning Board will be holding a public hearing on Jan. 26 at the Town Office Building beginning at 7 p.m.
■Alchemists’ Community Films began 18 years ago as a way of documenting camp productions. Several projects have now been commissioned by the very talented filmmaker, Matt Quinney. Videos can be watched at
■“Compassionate Listening, Spotlight: Alabama” (Jan. 24 at 7 p.m.) at the Hopkinton Town Library. Joel Berman and others from the Compassionate Listening Project will discuss recent trips to Alabama and the lessons they learned.
■The Class of 2025 at Hopkinton High School is holding a silent auction on Feb. 2 from 5 to 9 p.m. to support the Sophomore class. Along with the auction, there is a bake sale with fresh, homemade treats. All proceeds from the silent auction will go towards supporting the Class of 2025. Please contact the sophomore advisors or the school office if you have any further questions: Christina Keating (, Jeff Merrill ( or Hopkinton High School (603) 746-4167.
■Register now for Red Cross Babysitting Training on March 17 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Slusser Center. Register at
■The Budget Committee will hold a Public Hearing to accept comments on the 2023 Town and School Budget, in addition to Money Warrant Articles submitted by each political subdivision. The Public Hearing will take place on Feb. 8. at 6 p.m. at Hopkinton Town Hall (330 Main St.) To view/listen/participate in the meeting remotely via computer visit Via phone: 1 (646) 558-8656. Meeting ID: 892 1128 8232. Those participating remotely will be given the opportunity to speak.
■The Hopkinton Youth Sports Association (HYSA) will hold its Annual HYSA Scholarship Fund Silent Auction on Jan. 27 during the boys’ basketball games. To donate to the auction, or to the scholarship fund, contact Jeff Elrick at (603) 731-9385.
■As part of The New Hampshire Humanities’ Perspectives Book Groups, this month we are reading Hamlet: A Novel of the Plague. The Library Book Discussion group will meet on Jan. 25 at 1 p.m. in-person at the library and via Zoom. Scholar and museum curator, Carrie Brown, will join us for the meeting.
■Any registered voter wishing to sign-up and run for elected office should go to the Town Clerk/Tax Collector office at Town Hall, 330 Main St., Hopkinton between Jan. 25 and Feb. 3. The deadline to register is on Jan. 24. You may register with the Town Clerk/Tax Collector prior to the deadline, or with the Supervisors of the Checklist on Jan. 24 from 7 to 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall.
■2023 spring lacrosse registration is open at
■Residents in need of assistance with heat, food, housing, and medication should contact Human Services Director Alicia Presti at (603) 746-8244 or email
■On Jan. 21 from noon to 3 p.m., save the date for Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum’s Annual Meeting to discuss the past year and plan for the future. Lunch is provided by the Trustees of the museum.
■Need fuel assistance? If your income exceeds the qualifying limit for the standard NH Fuel Assistance Program, you may be eligible for separate one-time benefit payments for fuel and electricity. Contact Warner Connects NH Food Pantry and Community Center to apply at (603) 456-2053.
■Need help with housing? Warner Connects NH will have a housing resource information program available on the third Tuesday (9 to 11 a.m.) of every month. For more information, call (603) 456-2053.
■Family Closet Thrift Boutique will be closed for Winter Break until Feb. 1 with no donations accepted.
■Get involved in Warner! The filing period for March elections is from Jan. 25 to Feb. 3 with many positions available from Almoners to Selectboard. Visit for more information.
■Warner Historical Society seeks candidates for an executive director. For more information, visit
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