Contoocook river region town crier for the week of Feb. 12, 2023

Published: 02-14-2023 12:22 PM

BOWSpeech contest

■The Bow Rotary’s annual “Rotary Speech Contest” for local high school students is now in progress. Cash prizes are awarded to the top three speakers and the winner is sent on to compete against winners from other clubs in our district, which includes much of southern New Hampshire and Vermont. The application deadline is Feb. 24 at 3 p.m. Email the application to The Bow Rotary contest will be held on March 8 at 6 p.m., live at the Baker Free Library, lower level.


DUNBARTONBook discussion

■Join host presenter Ann McClellan for a New Hampshire Humanities Perspectives Book Discussion of White Teeth by Zadie Smith, scheduled for Feb. 15 at 6:30 p.m. Books are available. If interested in joining this discussion, please for the link.

■At the library, Read Aloud to a Dog. Mr. T is a registered/certified therapy dog from Therapy Dogs International, Chapter 205. Children in Kindergarten through Grade 4 who register will have a 20-minute session on Feb. 16 and March 2 from 2:45 to 4 p.m. Please call the library to register.

■“Penning the Perfect Obituary” will be virtually presented on Feb. 16 at 6:30 p.m. by Erin Moulton. Please email dunlib



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HENNIKER / WEARESpeech contest

■The Henniker Area Rotary Club is hosting 4-Way Speech Contests. Prize money totaling $600 will be awarded to the top three contestants. Students in Grades 9 to 12 attending John Stark Regional High School or living within the catchment area are encouraged to enter. For applications contact: or

■The Supervisors of the Checklist will be in session on March 4 from 10 to 10:30 a.m. (and for extended hours at the discretion of the Supervisors) at the Weare Town Clerk’s Office.



■Fuller Public Library Flex & Stretch Class on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 9 to 9:30 a.m. In the library or join from home. There is a cost per class. For more information call the library at (603) 464-3595.

■The Crafters Corner program sponsored by GHSS and Fuller Public Library is returning on Feb. 16 and will meet at Maple Leaf’s Community Hall from 1 to 3 p.m. Bring your own craft or participate in the craft of the month. Come for fun, crafts and conversation.



■Starting Feb. 12, the American Legion Post 81 will be hosting a morning flea market on the second and fourth Sundays of the month until May. Cost for vendors for a 12’ space are $10 without a table, and $15 with an 8’ table provided. To reserve a space and for more information, call or text Tammy at (603) 620-6804.

■Like to snowshoe? Adults can join us on Thursday at 11 a.m. for group snowshoeing! See the details online at

■AARP Tax-Aide Program offers free tax preparation at the Hopkinton Town Library Wednesdays and Thursdays in the Community Room. Call 211 for an appointment, or schedule your appointment online at AARP membership is not required.

■Town/School Elections will be held on March 14 at Hopkinton Middle High School.

■Join us for friendly and fun Cribbage games at the Slusser Center on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. Don’t know how to play, but want to learn? Contact the Recreation Department and we will put you in touch with an experienced Cribbage player who can teach you! For more information contact (603) 746-8263 or visit

■The Hopkinton Town Library’s Family Story Time is held twice a week - Tuesdays at 1 p.m. and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Story Time features literacy-based stories, songs, and fingerplays with a new theme each week.

■The Hopkinton Town Library poetry event is rescheduled for Feb. 16. “A Flock of New Hampshire Poets: Spotlight on Laurie Morrissey with L.R.Berger.” Please contact the library to RSVP.

■Calling all ukulele players (and wannabes)! The uke is a social instrument, so let’s start a group, with no expectations other than to meet new people with a shared interest and have some fun. All ages and all levels (including beginners) are welcome at Community Room at the Hopkinton Public Library for 7 to 9:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month. Please join The Hopkinton Ukulele Meetup Group and use the link to RSVP to the meeting.

■The Contoocook Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce exciting news for 2023! Going forward, we are rebranding as Discover Contoocook to better reflect our focus on events, businesses and the community in and around the Village! For any questions regarding this change, please email

■Thanks to the hard work of Hopkinton Middle High School counselor Beth Stern, we are proud to announce a collaboration with Granite VNA to support middle and high school students who are working through the challenges of losing a loved one. Please contact Mrs. Stern if you are interested in learning more. 603-746-4167 or

■2023 Spring Lacrosse registration is open at

■Hopkinton residents in need of assistance with heat, food, housing, and medication should contact Human Services Director Alicia Presti at (603) 746-8244 or email



WARNERCookie walk

■Plans have begun for Warner’s 250th birthday in 2024! Plan to attend the spaghetti dinner and raffle fundraiser on Feb. 11 from 5 to 7 p.m. in Warner Town Hall. The meal is $15 per person. Doors open at 4:15 p.m. for the sale of raffle tickets and viewing of items.

■Join the NH Audubon Backyard Winter Bird Survey on Feb. 11 and 12. Just watch and count the birds in your yard at any time during these two days. For information on joining the excitement, visit

■Warner Historical Society will host a Valentine Cookie Walk fundraiser on Feb. 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Warner Town Hall. Come and join the fun! To donate baked items, contact Molly Wyeth at

■Warner 4-H Club meets on Feb. 13 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the United Church of Warner, 43 E Main St. Youths ages five to 18, and families are welcome. For more information, contact Susan Jenna at (603) 456-3394 or visit Warner 4-H on Facebook.

■The Pillsbury Free Library’s Circle of Friends will meet for an organizational meeting on Feb. 16, at 1:30 p.m. at the Library. All are welcome to discuss planned activities for the future such as Local Author Night and the Book Sale.

■All are invited to Magdalen College’s last Community Fish Fry of the year on Feb. 17 from 5 to 7 p.m, at 511 Kearsarge Mountain Rd. Kids five and under eat free. Ages six to 12 are $8, ages 13 and up are $15. For more information, contact Laura Cramer at or (603) 456-2656.

■On Feb. 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., join the fun at the Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum’s second Annual Snow Snake Games sponsored in partnership with the Abenaki Trails Project. The event is free but regular admission applies to tour the museum. For more information, visit the Snow Snake Event Page.

■Family Closet Thrift Boutique is back! All winter coats, boots, and sweaters are $5 for February. Open Wednesday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 49 W. Main Street. Spring and summer donations will be accepted starting April 1. For questions, call (603) 456-2183.

■The Pillbury Free Library presents Red Hot Reads! Check out any title with a red cover or spine and enter your name to win Hershey Minis Chocolates and a $15 gift card to Cafe One East. The drawing is at noon on Feb. 14.

■Warmer-uppers – coats and firewood - are still available at Warner Connects NH at 49 W. Main St. Seasoned split wood can be picked up in the back parking lot, and wood pellets are available at the office. For coats and other cold-weather apparel, stop by the tent or call (603) 456-2053 to set up an appointment.

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